/* */ function initialize(varzoom) { var map; var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); var mapOptions = { mapTypeId: 'roadmap', scrollwheel: false }; // Display a map on the page map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("google_map"), mapOptions); map.setTilt(45); // Multiple Markers var markers = [ ['STEP Cuneo','44.3844408','7.544419000000062'],['STEP STEP Codroipo','45.9612338','12.97760889999995'],['STEP Savignano sul Rubicone','44.0928759','12.403381999999965'],['STEP Fossombrone','43.688953','12.8023343'],['STEP Gabicce Mare','43.959687','12.7529943'],['STEP Lignano Sabbiadoro','45.6861754','13.1242881'],['STEP Portogruaro','45.7786545','12.8345469'],['STEP Merate','45.6989902','9.4043899'],['STEP Sorso','40.798359','8.571266000000037'] ]; // Info Window Content var infoWindowContent = [ ['

STEP Cuneo

Via Monsignor Peano, 8 - 12100 (CN)
Tel. +0171 1873658
E-mail: filialecuneo@stepservizi.net
PEC: step.codroipo@pec.it


STEP STEP Codroipo

Piazza Garibaldi, 40 - 33033 (UD)
Tel. +0432 907617 - 0432 908769
E-mail: codroipo@stepservizi.net
PEC: step.codroipo@pec.it


STEP Savignano sul Rubicone

Via Fratelli Rocchi, 9 - 47039 (FC)
Tel. +0541 944890
Fax ++391782204345
E-mail: savignanosulrubicone@stepservizi.net
PEC: step.savignano@pec.it


STEP Fossombrone

Via Roma, 26 - 61034 (PU)
Tel. +0721 715437
Fax +0721 715437
E-mail: fossombrone.tributiminori@stepservizi.net
PEC: step.tributiminori@pec.it


STEP Gabicce Mare

Via Romagna, 53 - 61011 (PU)
Tel. +0541 951979
Fax +079 351736
E-mail: gabiccemare@stepservizi.net
PEC: step.gabiccemare@pec.it


STEP Lignano Sabbiadoro

Viale Europa, 41/b - 33054 (UD)
Tel. +0431 617606
E-mail: lignanosabbiadoro@stepservizi.net
PEC: step.codroipo@pec.it


STEP Portogruaro

Borgo San Nicolo, 60 - 30026 (VE)
Tel. +0421 73774
Fax +0421 73774
E-mail: portogruaro@stepservizi.net
PEC: step.codroipo@pec.it


STEP Merate

Via Collegio Alessandro Manzoni, 37/39 - 23807 (LC)
Tel. +351 0323763
Fax +-
E-mail: merate@stepservizi.net
PEC: step.codroipo@pec.it


STEP Sorso

Via Porto Torres, 23 - 07037 (SS)
Tel. +079 350332 - 079 9104394
Fax +079 351736
E-mail: tributiminori@stepservizi.net
PEC: step.tributiminori@pec.it

'] ]; // Display multiple markers on a map var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(), marker, i; // Loop through our array of markers & place each one on the map for( i = 0; i < markers.length; i++ ) { var position = new google.maps.LatLng(markers[i][1], markers[i][2]); bounds.extend(position); marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: position, map: map, title: markers[i][0] }); // Allow each marker to have an info window google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', (function(marker, i) { return function() { infoWindow.setContent(infoWindowContent[i][0]); infoWindow.open(map, marker); } })(marker, i)); // Automatically center the map fitting all markers on the screen map.fitBounds(bounds); } // Override our map zoom level once our fitBounds function runs (Make sure it only runs once) var boundsListener = google.maps.event.addListener((map), 'bounds_changed', function(event) { this.setZoom(varzoom); google.maps.event.removeListener(boundsListener); }); }